Hi guys, How are you? Now for children and teenagers its the last term of the year. Year 6 is especially busy, year 13 too. Year 6 have sats. Year 13 leave to college, travel or university. I’m sure you’ll be fine but in this blog post we want to give you that boost if confidence. Year 6 students and parents: they are fine. You’ll feel nervous but as you step into the room you won’t anymore and all you can do is your best. The teachers all through primary school have taught you what you need to know for sats so you can get a high mark. It may seem like nothing will get better, but to be honest they aren’t hard. DO YOUR BEST!!!!!! Year 13: school is over and you have to leave your friends once again. Don’t worry. Stay in contact with them over facebook, twitter instagram and text. University may scare you, but think “its only another year 6 big jump to year 7” you’ve done it before and you can do it again. Good luck! Many wishes, The me and you blog xxxxxxxx