Hi guys,

Everybody needs a friend. Someone to support them, to help them, to care for them and to be strong for them. Thing is with friends though you will fall out with each other. Then it will seem like the end of the world to you and to them. Don’t worry. Give both of yourselves time to cool off and hang out with your other friends. If you want to be friends again, apologize. Be the bigger person and just say sorry and put a lot of meaning behind it. You’ll be fine just the way you are. Don’t let someone try and change the way you are to be like them. You are your own person and people should like the way you are. If they don’t, think to yourself are they really worth being my friend if they try to change the way you are. Everybody is imperfect. Be proud of the way you are. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Have fun with your friends, cry together, laugh together and most of all be happy as friends.

Wishes, you and me blog xxxxxxxx