you and me

To the world you may be one. But to one you are the world <3

It’s been SOOOOOOO long — October 11, 2015

It’s been SOOOOOOO long


So it’s been a while….. Like a long while

We’ve been so busy with school and other teenage stuff that for some reason a blog post couldn’t pass our mind!

We are honestly so sorry and we should be posting like normal again soon. So how are you guys? I still haven’t got a boyfriend.

Although technically that isn’t my fault….

Because like 99% of boys are hot but the other 1% go to my school. Just sayin’ 😉

So yeah guys that’s pretty much it for now hope you guys are ok and soon we will have another blog post up!

Too da loo!

The you and me blog ❤

Blog post. — April 25, 2015

Blog post.

When in the last post my friend (yes it’s a shared account) said about her liking someone and they are getting so much closer. She means that they are like on the brink of dating. Seriously. Also when she said she relays him by putting things in his face she means her elbow and literally putting it in his face. Geez……. cringe moment………… anyway I am the one who said they should go out together because they are such a cute couple….. awww. I really want them to get together but she can’t even talk to him without her legs turning to jelly. She really needs to grow a back bone and a half no offence. Anyway, she will probably read this so GET TOGETHER WITH HIM. OTHERWISE I WILL SHAKE YOU UNTIL YOUR SICK!!!!!!! Grrrrrrr!!


The you and me blog xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Everything —


Hi guys,

This is going to be about many different things as I couldn’t choose a single topic.

First of all, why on earth do I get scared of asking things? I hate it and I get a friend or sibling to help me out. GRR!!!! Leave a comment what you get scared of doing.

I really liked someone, now we’ve become closer I like them even more than ever! They have helped me through loads and I repay by putting something in their face and now I feel really bad. Oops! Why did that happen. My friend said that they obviously like me but I really don’t think they do.

Thanks for the long wait for our next post,

the you and me blog xxxxxxxxxxxx

school — April 19, 2015


Hi guys, How are you? Now for children and teenagers its the last term of the year. Year 6 is especially busy, year 13 too. Year 6 have sats. Year 13 leave to college, travel or university. I’m sure you’ll be fine but in this blog post we want to give you that boost if confidence. Year 6 students and parents: they are fine. You’ll feel nervous but as you step into the room you won’t anymore and all you can do is your best. The teachers all through primary school have taught you what you need to know for sats so you can get a high mark. It may seem like nothing will get better, but to be honest they aren’t hard. DO YOUR BEST!!!!!! Year 13: school is over and you have to leave your friends once again. Don’t worry. Stay in contact with them over facebook, twitter instagram and text. University may scare you, but think “its only another year 6 big jump to year 7” you’ve done it before and you can do it again. Good luck! Many wishes, The me and you blog xxxxxxxx

Live the life you love — April 17, 2015

Live the life you love

Hi guys,

How are you doing? Leave a comment in the comment box below how you are! So, life. Its the thing that we have to deal with everyday of our lives. Good or bad. We have to suffer or soar above because of life. Anyway, there is only one life. Live it and love it. Do the things that make you happy. it could be: horse riding, reading, blogging, vlogging anything. Just do what you enjoy doing and have fun with it. Even in the most sad of times i have on thing to say: It will get better and in those times think about the things that make you happy. Friendship are one of the things that make people down. One message:


Many wishes,

The you and me blog xxxxxxx

LOVE! <3 —

LOVE! <3

Hi guys, today I realised I really loved someone. Like, a lot. I always get the feeling that when I am around him that my stomach is full of wild butterflies, all trying to escape. Whenever I see him with another girl my heart smashes and I can feel it sink into my stomach. Many people say that this is childish. But if you love someone you will put all your effort into making them yours. Don’t be embarrassed on who you fall for because you can’t help who you fall for and for me it had to be this really cute one that is the funniest and who may possibly like me back!!!!! Squeeze!!!!!!!!! Oh love is so complicated…… but I LOVE it!

Toodloo! The you and me blog xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Respect — April 16, 2015


Hi Guys, Respect is important don’t you think? I mean no human is better than another. Its horrible that people think that. The saying “treat others how you want to be treated” is great but people ignore it. You may treat others how you do want to be treated but others may not treat you the same way back. Yeah, people fight all the time but it still doesn’t make it right if people look down on you because you are a different colour, size, height, poor. It may be hard but you are you and let nobody affect you or make you feel small. Think to yourself before hurting somebody “is this really what I would want to happen to me?” You and me blog xxxxxxxxxxxx

Be yourself! — April 14, 2015

Be yourself!

Hey guys, hope your having a good day! Just posting a blog post because many people find it hard to be themselves. Always remember that you are your own person and that you should be yourself no matter what anyone says. Don’t change yourself just because people tell you to. Always make sure that you are yourself because people will accept you for being yourself and if they don’t then they are not true friends. Don’t let people push you down and lower your self esteem and be confident with yourself and don’t let people tell you how to dress and many girls need boys to tell them that they are beautiful,however you are beautiful inside and out no matter what anyone says. Just remember that. BE YOURSELF! And smile because your smile is beautiful and you are loved!

Toodloo! the you and me blog xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friendship —


Hi guys,

Everybody needs a friend. Someone to support them, to help them, to care for them and to be strong for them. Thing is with friends though you will fall out with each other. Then it will seem like the end of the world to you and to them. Don’t worry. Give both of yourselves time to cool off and hang out with your other friends. If you want to be friends again, apologize. Be the bigger person and just say sorry and put a lot of meaning behind it. You’ll be fine just the way you are. Don’t let someone try and change the way you are to be like them. You are your own person and people should like the way you are. If they don’t, think to yourself are they really worth being my friend if they try to change the way you are. Everybody is imperfect. Be proud of the way you are. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Have fun with your friends, cry together, laugh together and most of all be happy as friends.

Wishes, you and me blog xxxxxxxx

WELCOME TO THE BLOG! — April 13, 2015


Hi there guys, welcome to you and me. A blog about girly giggles, self confidence and books and recommendations for you guys as well as any things you want to ask. We try to help you to make a smile out of as many situations we can. We want to help anyone with any problems about anything and hope that you will enjoy reading our blog as much as we love posting onto this blog! So WELCOME fellow peoples of this absolutely perfectly imperfect world! Hope you enjoy. If you have any questions or wish for anything in particular, like help with any situations feel free to comment and we will help you to the best of our abilities of being crazy, strange and hopefully a great help to you fellow peoples! Be sure  to SMILE! 🙂

Toodloo! The You & Me Blog xxxxxxxx